Are you careless with cash?

Could cutting corners and taking the easy way out be hitting you in the pocket harder than you realise.

Take this quiz to find out just how much being careless is costing you.

Question 1 of 6

How much do you spend on takeaways each month?

Question 2 of 6

How many times a month do you take a taxi or ride-sharing service instead of using public transport or walking?

What's your average cost per trip?

Question 3 of 6

How much do you spend on train tickets each month – without using services like ticket splitting or rail cards that could bring down the total cost?

Question 4 of 6

How much do you spend on subscriptions you don’t use each month?

Question 5 of 6

How much do you spend monthly on convenience foods (pre-prepared meals, snacks) instead of cooking from scratch?

Question 6 of 6

How much do you spend on purchases that could be made cheaper with loyalty points?

Your Results
Total Lifetime Cost:
Total Monthly Cost: 
Total Annual Cost: